On Sept. 29, the largest demonstration
in years took place in Warsaw. Although it turned into something of a
general „opposition” protest, it was initiated by the CatholicTV
station Trwam and was joined by Solidarity, which mobilized around
30,000 people from all of Poland. Below is a brief analysis of such
protests in Poland and why we feel it is so important to go into the
streets with another message.
While the economic crisis is hitting
working people and the tiny middle class in Poland with tremendous
force, the right, including the far-right, are making huge headway in
society, mobilizing people into a reactionary movement. Instead of
any real analysis of the economic and political forces behind the
current situation, the current rulers are blamed, leaving the
postulates of capitalism untouched. While great parts of society are
alienated, they feel hopeless to do anything. They then become
mobilized by issues such as national pride or religion. However much
of the real frustration relates to the social exclusion of large
layers of society, especially the elderly and the poorer working
The leaders of the right therefore
channel social frustration in this direction. It is also a way to
build the right-wing electorate, as the message they bring is simply
that, if they were in charge, none of this would be happening.
Anywhere between 50-100,000 people
demonstrated during the day. The largest group present was from the
union Solidarity, whose mobilizing efforts rarely reach this level
regarding worker-related issues. The leader of Solidarity, speaking
to the press on the 29th, called this union a „Christian”
one and it is important to note its large right-wing and conversative
base. However, a large part of their participants just treated this
as yet another „opposition” protest.
The tendency to build such an
„opposition” mentality is quite dangerous as it brings together
various social forces which, although united „against” something,
can actually be for something quite different. It is one of the
methods of the elites to draw people into support for it. In this
case, it was clear that the Solidarity leadership, which have often
acted as the political vassals of the Law and Justice Party, are
using their membership and resources to aid the ambitions of this
party to gain more power.
As it happens, the Tenants Defense
Committee had the idea to march on this day before the announcement
of this grand manifestation. Then this large mobilization was
announced and this demonstration had to be reconsidered. Part of the
reason for this was that there would also be a large number of
extreme-right on the street, including fascists thugs who threaten to
attack members of the ZSP. However, it was the members of this
organization which rather insisted on marching and would not be
intimidated, placing great importance on bringing a message to the
streets, despite the social climate of the day.
Despite some efforts to invite more
people to this demonstration, the Tenants and ZSP went alone, with
only a couple of leftists joining. Such was and is the retreat of the
microscopic Polish left in face of such manifestations.
The last two days prior to the
demonstration, the TV announced that it was unclear if we would even
be able to march given the fact that the clerical-syndicalist
manifestation declared that it would go on the same route, only
starting from the opposite end, at about the same time. As it turned
out, they could classify themselves as a „religious procession”,
a type of event which requires no permission. At the beginning of the
demonstration, despite the fact that we were a few kilometers away,
we found that the Catholic media had set up huge screens where we
were gathering and was blasting broadcasts, so in fact, we could only
speak when we moved from that place.
We encountered many groups of people
along the way: unionists going to the other manifestation, people who
just came out to look at the event, Varsovians just going about their
daily business, tourists to the capital. Despite the scare that the
media was trying to build, things went normally; we encountered
supportive people but also the occasional yuppie scum or fascist who
always make the same stupid remarks. And as usual, we just tell them
off and continue.
There were some good speeches,
especially made by tenants who had a deeper analysis of the
situation. Relating to the slogan of the other manifestation, which
was „Wake up Poland”, these people really called on people to
wake up, noting the actions of the banks, developers and speculators
and their connection with the political elite. There were many calls
for people to develop class consciousness, even to the middle class
people who have jobs now and are indebted with mortgages and other
loans and whose future is quite precarious. It has been for years
that these people care little about the poor, adopting the neoliberal
ideology of blaming them for their own situation. This is also the
ideology of the main media, so it is widespread and important to
Many people stopped to listen and
thousands of leaflets were handed out. The tenants' leaflet also
criticized the idea that people can just go out on a few symbolic
demonstrations which don't really address the issues and called on
people to organize themselves and take part in grassroots work like
the Tenants Defense Committee. This addressed one of the main issues
we face: the inability of people to mobilize and self-organize, which
makes the manifestations such as this clerical-syndicalist one look
like the only social movement to many people.
The police, seeing that we wanted to
march to the end as planned, said that they would hold back the
manifestation until we finished ours, which lasted 2.5 hours. At the
end, we came almost to the starting point of this manifestation and
we set ourselves up in a square on the roundabout. There we gave more
speeches and both people from this manifestation and other passersby
stopped to listen.
After the tenants left, members of ZSP
tried to have some encounters with members of Solidarity. In
particular, there is one region where the workers have taken
different stands than the union hierarchy and have taken more
militant action. (In the past we have had some good contact with some
rank and file from this region.) In the past few days, this region
even started to call for a general strike. This is something quite
different than the positions of the union leadership – although
even the union boss started to repeat this threat, to make a
political impact. All those we met were of the opinion that the word
„strike” is just a political game to the union boss. However, it
is no game for some of the rank and file workers, who support more
resolute action than their union has taken.
We handed out a special issue of
„Direct Action”, which had an article calling for strikes and
analyzing why they were being supressed. As usual, such things
aroused the interest of many workers who complained about the
inaction of the unions.
Despite the quite adverse atmosphere of
the day, we marched as planned – although perhaps with fewer
people. More importantly, we refuse to take the defeatist posture of
others who think that it is impossible to bring another message to
the streets when the right-wing are there. The streets are still full
of people and there is also a lot of socially excluded and frustrated
people who just wind up at manifestations like this because they are
the only large events organized or perhaps the only ones they are
aware of.
In times like this, the right is making
steady progress because the left has been in retreat. What is worse
is what they have done with fiascos such as the Nov. 11 coalition.
For the past 2-3 years, they have gone into coalition with the
despised neoliberal establishment, to „confront” the right-wing.
At first, some years ago, this was an anti-fascist march, organized
by anarchists. Then, a few of the anarchists, with the sponsorship of
the German left and Polish liberals took over and the fascists
organized a response, gathering thousands of right-wing people to
their side. These people are right-wing and nationalistic but the
fascists managed to gather a lot of support in „opposition”, since
this counter-event was now seem as an event of the liberal establishment,
backed by euro cash. It is hard to see any bigger fiasco in European
„anti-fascism” than this. What started as an annual march
gathering a few dozen lunatics had around 20,000 people last year.
Having experienced such a resounding defeat, the left-liberals have
no idea about what can be done and simply keep behind closed doors or
sit in their cafes, having no response to this. In the meanwhile, the
organizers of this years' Nov. 11 nationalist march brought 130,000
leaflets to the Sept. 29 manifestation and hope to mobilize even more
people this year.
The fiasco of Nov. 11 is the fiasco of
the left and of parts of the „anarchist movement” which appeared
hand and hand with the elites and which believe that only in a
coalition with such people are they able to mobilize. It has been
this attitude with completely shut them off from both the more
radical anti-fascists, as well as large parts of the working class,
to whom they had no message. And they still struggle to find anything
of relevance to say. Now the work of these „movements” is
confined to cafes, universities and intellectual media, completely
isolated from huge segments of society which are suffering from this
crisis and who are at a loss about what to do.
Our struggle however is in the street,
not sitting out of sight. We hope that during the day we encountered
a few people who will actually consider what we've been saying.
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