
Poland, Holland, Czech Republic: Actions at OTTO Continue

February 17 more actions were held at offices of OTTO Workforce, which is exploiting workers, especially from Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia doing temporary work in Holland.

In the Hague, some Polish workers, including ex-OTTO workers and members of the Vrije Bond appeared at the grand opening of a new office. There they handed out leaflets describing the problems and demands to stop fining people amd pay what they owe, to fulfill contractual obligations and comply with the collective agreement, to pay people on time and improve housing conditions.

In Gliwice in Poland, the OTTO management sent somebody to Poland to do PR. (That was the only publically announced picket,) The activists from FAS gave some interviews in the press but the OTTO rep claimed that all was normal. The OTTO rep, who was claiming to the TV that OTTO "looks into" all workers' complaints however had no answer about the complaints we presented to them.

There were also information actions in Krakow and Olomouc. In the Czech Republic there are posters up near the office informing people about the campaign, Some members of WI and CSAF also participated in these actions.

In the meanwhile, more and more information is being gathered by ZSP, PA and VB. ZSP is investigating claims now that OTTO also cheats some of its clients by charging them for transport costs for the workers while, at the same time, charging the workers when the end-users have already paid this.

In Poland, a number of ex-OTTO workers have told their stories about how they have also been fined or did not receive their full salaries and they will be joining in this campaign locally. In Slovakia we already have signals that some people have thought better of trying to work with OTTO.


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