
Protest at Roche Office in Poznan

On March 15, we protested at the Roche office in Poznan, demanding reinstatement of our comrade, the recognition of his employment status and an end to shady non-employment practices which deny workers this status and benefits. The demonstration came in a charged atmosphere as Roche revealed that it actually plans to outsource the work currently being done by fake independent contractors and workers sent by intermediaries.
Instead of using the people already working for them, Roche was to just move the work off-site and get rid of their little labour problem. It is unclear when these changes will be made, whether the jobs will go gradually or all at once.

There is some speculation as to whether the company got rid of our colleague as to scare people and get rid of an organizer before the people would lose their jobs.

ZSP is currently discussing the possibility that more workers sue the company for recognition of their status and to claim benefits they were owed.

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