Since March the Solidarity Federation (SF) has been involved in supporting a victimised former Office Angels temporary worker. Dan worked for Office Angels for three days in December of last year. He was assured by the company that the lack of a time-sheet would 'not be a problem'. However, Office Angels are refusing to pay him the wages he is owed - falsely claiming he only worked for one day, despite them having called him at work on his third day.
So far we have held pickets in London and across the country, as Office Angels have still not paid Dan the wages he is owed we are now calling for a national week of action against Office Angels branches from Monday 9 May till Sunday 15 May. We are also asking for people to make solidarity calls and emails to the branch he had been working for on Wednesday 11 May. Office Angels is a subsidiary of Adecco so we are asking for Adecco branches to be targeted as well.
Phone: 020 8542 6688 (international calls dial +4420 8542 6688)
E-mail addresses to target:
Sample e-mail:
Dear Sir or Madam,
Hereby I would like to express my dissatisfaction with the treatment of one of your workers, who has been declined the payout of his wage for two days of work.
I find this behaviour unacceptable and demand that you pay what you owe immediately. Until then I will continue to inform people about your shameful practices.
Email sending tool
Until Dan gets paid, we will keep on increasing the pressure we are putting on the company. We want to hear from any current or previous Office Angels and Adecco employees that have come into conflict with these company and its culture of disrespect. We know that this is not an isolated incident and the more people get involved, the more pressure we can put on the company to start treating its workers properly.
Temporary workers face similar unacceptable conditions every day. They work without sick pay or maternity leave, are vulnerable to unfair and instant dismissals and have no union support. Rising unemployment and a bleak economic climate will force even more of us to accept these precarious conditions - yet another example of working class people being exploited by an economic system that only benefits the rich.
For more information on the dispute so far visit this page.
If you are organising a picket please contact us so we can publicise it. Leaflet for pickets available here.
Following the national week of action the IWA will be organising an international week of action against Adecco.
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