
FAU Frankfurt protests against OTTO-Workforce and Temporary Work

Temporary workers, who are being „rent“ by OTTO-Workforce and send to work to the Netherlands, have started to fight against disastrous life and working conditions, fines and more. Comrades from ZSP-IWA and pa-IWA support them and as FAU-IWA is running a successful campaign against slave holding, – Abolish Temporary Work! - Frankfurt's local syndicate decided to make a solidarity picket in front of OLYMPIA, a German temporary work agency, which has been bought by OTTO-Workforce in 2010.

OLYMPIA owns two dependencies in the Rhine-Main area. FAU Frankfurt decided to target one of them, so 6 people spread 400 leaflets in front of an OLYMPIA bureau on a rainy Thursday morning. They did also place a huge banner in front of it so that passing cars and people receive FAU's message about temporary work. Most people who talked to us, welcomed our ideas, as it is not only people in Poland or Hungary which get exploited by temporary work. Temporary work is a sick capitalist bacillus spreading all over Europe and in Germany too. From FAU's point of view there is no doubt about it: this infection needs to be extinguished now.

ZSP Campaign against OTTO-WORKFORCE (multilingual): Website

FAU Campaign Abolish Temporary Work! (German): Website

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